Are you ready to leave for Casatenovo - Milano - Rimini - Gabicce ? Get your bus from Casatenovo or one of the intermediate stops. Choose the time that suits you best and enjoy special offers by Autostradale.it! Seats are comfy and spacious and your luggage is free of charge. And if you love animals, bring them along - they are always welcome on board!Route Casatenovo ? Casatenovo - Milano - Rimini - Gabicce only €9.90!

Gabicce Mare, the first town of the district of Pesaro and Urbino, in Marche, is actually the last town of the Riviera Romagnola, rising up on the very last section of the Gulf of Rimini.
As for the close Rimini, Riccione, Misano Adriatico and Cattolica, Gabicce Mare is a well-known seaside tourist destination that every summer is full of people coming from all over the world to enjoy beach resorts and its touristic quality approved by the Blue Flag programme, recognition that Gabicce Mare has since 1987. 
Famous for the hospitality of its hotel resorts and beach tourism quality, Gabicce Mareis also known for the marvelous natural terrasse of Gabicce Monte, for the tiny little harbour of Baia Vallugola, and for its high qualitative level in cooking. It's possible to reach Gabicce Mare, by car through the A14 highway and by railway connections. Another way to reach this beautiful place, and all the towns of the Riviera Romagnola, is by coach, thanks to Autostradale facilities that provide connections between Asso, district of Como and from where the coach leaves - at the FNM railway station (Ferrovie Nord Milano), and Gabicce, passing through various cities of the districts of Como and Milan, for then arriving in Lidi Ferraresi and continue until the main towns of the Riviera Romagnola, like Milano Marittima, Cervia, Cesenatico, Bellaria and those of the Gulf of Rimini.




1 Casatenovo
2 Arcore
3 Monza
4 Sesto San Giovanni
9 Bellariva
10 Marebello
14 Riccione
16 Misano Adriatico
17 Misano Adriatico
18 Porto Verde
20 Cattolica

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